Friday, 26 February 2016

Boarding at Gate 110

Nervous, excited, anxiety, anticipation, intrigue, unknown, butterflies.....

All the things I'm feeling as I wait for boarding for my emirates flight to Dubai, and then in the wee hours of the morning to Bangalore.

I feel blessed by so many things today, my friends and family who have been making me feel a million dollars in the last few weeks with their kindness and well wishes for my journey, and also to yoga, for opening me up to so many beautiful possibilities in my life

I'm looking forward to learning more about Ashtanga Yoga, even though I have been practising Mysore style every day now since I booked my flights, that's just the asana, the physical practice, I hope to deepen my knowledge of all the other seven limbs of this style.

I'm looking forward to seeing India once again, this time older and wiser (!??!) at least I will not be freaked out by the hustle, bustle and living in a goldfish bowl that I experienced when I travelled here back in 2014.

I've started reading the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, and already fascinated by the things I have read, only the prologue so far - so get ready for me to share my learnings from that.

I will try to post regularly and journal not only my yoga journey but how life in Mysore is, the food, the culture and all that jazz

So for now, they are calling us to board, so namaste readers and speak very soon.


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