Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Goa - a lounger's guide

Landing at Daoblim Airport it feels like India again (compared to the cosmopolitan feel of Bangalore) hustle, bustle, hot, humid and noisy.
Seated in (overpriced) pre book taxi I am grateful for air conditioning (who knew this would feel like indulgence to me for my travel stories!) and I sit back and hope that my driver can drive without too many close shaves, by now an old pro at coping with the mad cap driving habits of the Indian, I can just relax (enjoy even?) and watch the world go by outside.
Roadside vendors, men on mopeds, cattle and other animals all vying for time and space, the first hour is pretty grim with deprived looking towns and villages, dust and smog, but then the roadside buildings start to give way to lush green vegetation, a blood orange setting sun, and a sense of calm.

It’s dark by the time we arrive in Patnem and I am glad a pre-booked my bungalow, the ‘road’ ends at a row of motorbikes and I’m told I must walk down the beach to my huts ‘Namaste’…oh no! With a lot of luggage it’s a testing 200 metres until I arrive sweaty and swearing at the huts and get shown to my hut, way back in the depths of the tropical garden, it’s named Krishna, so hopefully this is a sign that it will be ok.
Basic but clean, with a hideous bathroom, I’m too tired to care, there is a mosquito net, a large double bed with clean sheets, so it is ‘fit for purpose’

Next morning, after my normal Mysore bedtime of 8.30pm, I’m up with the birds and ready to have a beach stroll and take in the surroundings…. there is something so wonderful about dawn, it used to be the time I was getting in feeling dazed and confused from a club or party, but now I love it for the time to feel alive and appreciate the world. A cooler temperature (around 24c) makes for a wonderful walk along the shore, my first toe dip into the Arabian sea, and a chance to view all the hut ‘resorts’ along the beach, also to check out the yoga shalas that are visible from the beach and, most importantly, hunt down the ‘Patnem Chai Shop’ that I had researched – 7rps chai – this is more like it!!!  - Goa is super cheap for Western visitors, but much more expensive than Mysore.

After breakfast at my huts own restaurant I settle into the day on the beach, a sun lounger with shade and a nice swim the warm, but clean, sea.
As a beach lover it’s easy for me to while away hours and hours, reading, relaxing a people watching, exactly what I came here for!
There is a gentle breeze to help keep you cool in the scorching 36c that it climbs to that day.  And I also manage to keep cool with my first alcoholic beverage of 35 days – an ice-cold kingfisher beer – boy did that taste divine ;)
After a sweltering walk I find a nice restaurant for lunch, April 20, where I have a delicious Dal Makhani, served in a small silver bucket, and a lime soda, and sit enjoying the breeze. It’s towards the north end of the beach which I have already decided is nicer and more chilled that the centre and southern parts.

Next day, I get up and practice in my room, shower and head up to my next resort, La La Land, where I excitedly wait the arrival of none other than Ms.Lynsey MacDonald, one of my closest and dearest friends.
By 8.40am she is here, and the ‘holiday’ begins!!

The following week is spent in beach bungalow luxury, as our resort is brand new, and beautifully landscaped into the hill at Colomb Bay, a picturesque little fishing bay nestled between Patnem and her big sister, Palolem.

We settle into our daily routine of morning yoga, breakfast; sun lounging (favorite lounge spot the uber friendly Salida del Sol) sunset watching, evening snacking and early night to repeat again the next day.
I won’t bore you with the details, but highlights were the day we spent on Galibag Beach (Turtle Beach) a real deserted spot (save for a few locals) and the most wonderful Oysters (90p – yes pence – for 7) and the freshest barbequed prawns from a little beach shack called Surya’s, who also provides hammocks for you to have your food coma in.

The beach is wild and waves quite big, and the Talpona River, a lush backwater river, backs it. If you do find yourself in South Goa, this beach is a must.

Patnem (north end) was my favourite place to chill, although Palolem wins on looks, she sweeps in a perfect arc of palm trees, but to me it felt a bit too developed and packed in, and one too many ‘you come see my shop’ hassle’s.
We were, however treated to the shortest show on earth, see Lynsey’s video for this joy – Palolem’s Got Talent??

Other highlights included the beautifully breezy ‘Boom Shanker’ for breakfast, and then again later for sunset cocktails (happy hour cocktails are just £1.50)
The smiley happy Nepalese boys at Salida del Sol (most of the service staff in Patnem have come down from Himalayas/Nepal) and the beautiful Vinyasa class with Koko, at the stunning shala in La La Land.

By the end of the week, despite a small bout of the infamous Delhi belly, both Lynsey and I felt relaxed and ready to take on the next chapters in our lives.
Saying goodbye to Lynsey at the airport was sad for me, as it was like saying goodbye to home again. But now the next chapter of the saga begins…. and I can’t wait to tell you all about it!

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